Palmitoylethanolamide (P.E.A.) for Chronic Pain and Inflammation.
PEA, is a naturally occurring fatty acid amide produced within our cells. Since the initial discovery of P.E.A there have been around 500 separate studies on the properties of PEA for human health. It has been shown to help relieve pain, inflammation, fever, boosts the immune system and helps with allergies. It has been shown to be very safe and virtually side effect free. It is not addictive and is not psychoactive. It can be safely combined with most pharmaceutical drugs as no dangerous interactions have been found.
PEA is produced in the body as a biological response and as a repair mechanism for inflammation. It is a simple fatty acid amide that is structurally related to the endogenous cannabinoid transmitter, anandamide (AEA). AEA is associated with regulating pain and the more AEA in the bloodstream, the less discomfort a person may feel. PEA has numerous clinical studies demonstrating its potential as an effective and safe anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tissue-protective. P.E.A. is essentially an endogenously produced cannabimimetic compound and is often touted as a safe legal alternative to CBD.
Due to being so effective and well tolerated many pain specialists are now recommending it. PEA is available over the counter without a prescription.
PEA has been found to be effective with the following pain conditions:
Neck Pain and Whiplash Injury, Migraine, Tooth/dental (molar) surgery pain, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Low Back Pain, Menstruation, Pelvic pain/disorders, Arthritis, Prostate disease, Endometriosis, Chronic (Unexplained) Pain, Visceral pain, Shingles, Carpal Tunnel, Neural/Neuropathic pain- cancer chemotherapy, Sciatic pain, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuralgia, neuralgic pain, Pains/spasms after a stroke, May help in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diabetic Neuropathic pain.
The usual dose is 600mg twice a day with food giving a total of 1200mg a day. Relief of symptoms usually occur within 1 to 3 weeks. The dose can be doubled after 4 weeks if the initial dose was ineffective. If there is no improvement after 3 months then there is no need to continue as it may take this long before any relief is achieved.
Christine Gozlan – Naturopath
B.H.SC. Naturopathy
Dip. Herbal Medicine
Dip. Nutrition