A Good Start in Life

A Good Start in Life

NATUROPATHIC CASE STUDY: A GOOD START IN LIFE Providing a solid nutritional start in life provides the foundation for good health and growth in children. Good nutrition during infancy and early childhood will have lasting effects on enhancing health and development throughout childhood, adolescence and well into adult life. Good nutrition helps build a healthy strong body, supporting growth of healthy bones and muscles, a smart brain, a healthy heart and a balanced nervous system. A young boy aged 2 ½ years presented to the clinic with frequent colds and infections, and was not eating or sleeping well. He was very small for his age. At 12 months of age, he reacted to the birth of his sister and lost his appetite, eating little more that a mouthful at each meal. He became withdrawn, moody, restless and non-communicative. Treatment Plan for a few years:
  • An ancient formula from Switzerland that I have prescribed thousands of times: It improves the child appetite. Fussy eaters will almost always have an inadequate intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, at a time in life when good nutrition is vital for growth and development to lay the foundation for a healthy mind and body in later life.
  • A good probiotic specific for children: It enhances gut health and digestive function, restores healthy gut flora following antibiotic use and can help to support normal, healthy immune function in children.
  • A specific Omega supplement for children: essential fatty acids are vital in growing children. Rich source of EPA and DHA essential fatty acids, essential to healthy neurological development in the growing child. DHA is the most important essential fatty acid for children and is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA improves learning ability and deficiencies in DHA are associated with deficits in learning. DHA improves mental development in small-for-gestational-age infants.
  • A specific constitutional homeopathic formula: It helped dealing with the moods and to re-balance the child.
This simple and effective treatment protocol formed the foundation of the boy's nutritional support throughout his formative years. With ongoing treatment, he grew in height and gained weight. His immune system was considerably strengthened with only one cold in 16 months. His cognitive development is progressing well, with academic achievements equal to his classmates. His behaviour is balanced and he is functioning well and growing in every way. His mother is thrilled!   Christine Gozlan B.H.Sc. Naturopathy Dip.H.M. Dip. Nutrition Essential Health Foods, shop 10/246 Dorset Rd, Boronia. Tel: 03 9762 6093
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