Melissa is head of student services in a secondary college and is getting lots of migraines. The frequency is of 2 to 3 a week and mostly on weekends. She is 55 years old.
In her case, stress, extreme fatigue and liver dysfunction are the main causes responsible for the migraines. Subluxation suffered after a whiplash is the triggering factor. The stress is due a very demanding workload with datelines, the responsibility of being the main income in her family, the worry over her husband's health. The extreme tiredness is linked to hypoglycemia. Her diet is high is refined carbohydrates and low in protein. Constipation has been a main problem all her life. The intolerance to fat and the irritation caused by the occasional alcoholic drinks are pointing to liver dysfunction, as well as the emotional frustration and constipation. The dense iris has tightly-woven fibers, is indicative of good resilience and able to cope with mental and intellectual overloads. However in the long term, toxicity, congestion and tension of the organs build up and are leading to the susceptibility of migraines. It’s a long-term approach.Therapeutic Strategy
-To balance and support the nervous system with herbs and supplements including magnesium to minimize nerves excitability and increase muscle relaxation. -To support the adrenals with specific herbs such as Withania, Feverfew and Willow Bark for their analgesic effects. -To improve elimination with dietary changes and herbs like Globe Artichoke -To enhance liver function with herbs such as Dandelion and St Mary thistleDiet
Allergy identification and elimination: Elimination/challenge diets have been shown to produce a 30% to 93% decrease in migraines, therefore to eliminate suspected food allergens for two weeks and then reintroduces the foods and/or additives and noting the response. Most common allergens are alcohol (especially red wine), cheese, chocolate, citrus, cow's milk, wheat, eggs, coffee, pork, yeast, food additives (preservatives and coloring).- Caffeine should be avoided due to its vasoactive effects.
- To ensure good hydration and avoid all dehydrating substances like alcohol