Natural remedies, bed rest, and plenty of fluids will ease the symptoms of and speed recovery from both conditions.
Nutrition and Supplements
Many people are not hungry when sick with a cold or the flu because the body is focusing its energies on healing and the elimination of toxins rather than on digestion.
Avoid heavy, fatty foods that take a lot of energy to digest and that contribute to the formation of mucus (especially high-fat dairy foods) in favor of light, easily digested foods such as steamed vegetables and well-cooked grains.
Instead try some:
1) Hot, pungent foods such as chili peppers, horseradish root, and garlic will help expel mucus.
2) Chicken soup, the traditional folk remedy for colds, has gained scientific support in recent years for its positive effects on the respiratory system.
3) Drinking plenty of warm liquids such as herbal teas and vegetable broths will help prevent dehydration (especially important if a fever is involved) and relieve congestion.
Supplements that play a role in combating colds and flus include:
1) VITAMIN D :” Dr. Liu and colleagues at UCLA (California) publishing in the prestigious journal Science, showed that vitamin D might be, in effect, a potent antibiotic. Vitamin D increases the body's production of naturally occurring antibiotics: antimicrobial peptides. Antimicrobial peptides are produced in numerous cells in the human body where they directly and rapidly destroy the cell walls of viruses and bacteria, including tuberculosis.”
2) Vitamin C with mixed bioflavonoids, from the first sign of a cold or flu: to prevent colds and reduce the severity and duration of symptoms
3) Zinc lozenges, 23 mg to boost immunity and inhibit viruses in the throat
4) Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, 25,000 IU daily: to strengthen the immune system, kill viruses, and help heal the respiratory tract
Herbal Remedies
Herbs help relieve cold and flu symptoms in a variety of ways: by increasing sweating (thus ridding the body of toxins and lowering fever), removing mucus from the respiratory system, and boosting the immune system. Use any of the following herbs at the first sign of a cold and continue throughout the duration of symptoms:
1) Echinacea, for its immune system-boosting and antibiotic properties
2) Garlic, for its antiviral and antimicrobial effects
3) Yarrow, elderflower, peppermint, or ginger, as a hot tea, promotes sweating, thereby lowering a fever; also relieves digestive upsets associated with the flu
4) Goldenseal or barberry root, both herbs contain a potent natural antibiotic; also helps dry up excessive mucus secretions
5) Elecampagne, mullein, or licorice, to promote the expulsion of mucus; when made into a tea, the mucilagenous properties soothe irritated respiratory tissues.
Gargling is an effective way to use herbs to heal a sore throat. Brew a strong herbal tea or combine a 1/2 teaspoon of tincture with 4 ounces of warm water to make a gargling solution. Gargle every half-hour, using the following antibacterial and antiseptic herbs: echinacea, sage and thyme tincture or tea.