M.,72-year-old, has been diagnosed with macular degeneration. Although there is no cure, there are treatment options that can slow down its progression, depending on the stage and type.
The macula is at the center of the retina at the back of the eye and is responsible for the detailed central vision and most colour vision.
The macula is about the breadth of a size 12 font letter “o”.
- Lutein and zeaxanthin: they are helping with the retention of visual sensitivity and acuity. They are carotenoids found in eggs, kale. Spinach, turnips greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and oranges. They help by increasing the density of the macular pigment, which absorbs harmful blue light and reduces photo oxidative damage.
- Bilberry and grape seed: they are rich sources of flavonoids which help the micro-circulation. They reduce the permeability and strengthen the capillary walls.
- C, vit. E, selenium and beta-carotene: Important antioxidant defense for preserving the clarity of the lens.
- Zinc: High levels of zinc are found in the macula. It enables vitamin A to create a pigment called melanin which protects the eye.
- Omega-3: It’s an essential building block for light receptors that are required for eyesight.
- To limit intake of saturate fats
- To eat oily fish three times a week
- To increase the intake of dark leafy vegetables daily
- To choose low glycaemic index carbohydrates.
- To wear adequate eye protection for outdoor activities
- To exercise regularly