To date the baby has been vaccinated according to the schedule of the Australian Immunization Program and has not experienced any adverse effects from past immunizations. The 12-month vaccine is scheduled in 2 months
In the last month, the baby has developed eczema in the flexures of both elbows, behind the knees, on the cheeks as well as patches on his torso. There is a strong family history of asthma, eczema and food allergies in the patient’s siblings and mother. The baby was born via C-section after an induced labor and has been exclusively breastfed from birth and still currently breastfed. The baby had recurrent upper respiratory infections during the winter months and was prescribed antibiotics on two of those occasions. His mum reports that his stools have not been the same since and fluctuate between diarrhea and constipation.
The baby is very young which limits the interventions that can be considered. He is still breastfeeding so the opportunity to supplement his mother is available. Nutritional support should start at least 3-4 weeks prior to scheduled vaccination and continue for at least one week after vaccination.
- Vitamin D3 drops for baby: essential for cellular differentiation
- Zinc citrate: disguised in a batch of coconut yoghurt made up for the week and breaking open a 30mg capsule of zinc citrate and mixing in thoroughly. To divide into 6 portions so the baby can consume one portion every day over the course of a week. This will ensure they do not exceed the upper level of intake.
- EPA/DHA : reduce the severity of eczema
- Cod liver oil for baby: provide vitamin A which is critical for healthy tissue
- Probiotics: baby multi-strain probiotic powder daily in expressed breastmilk or stirred into yoghurt or cool cereal.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is specifically indicated in antibiotic-associated changes and diarrhoea in children. It is also highly indicated in eczema and atopic diseases. - For Mum: Vitamin C: Infants are highly dependent on maternal breast milk for vitamin C. and the levels of vitamin C decline rapidly after the colostrum period.
- A good pregnancy and lactation multi, EPA/DHA, N-Actyl-cysteine, vitamin C and vitamin D3.
Helpful tools during this period could include:
- Rescue Remedy (for baby and mum as both require support) and homeopathic Arnica before and after injections
- Optimal hydration to mobilize toxins and vaccine adjuvants from the body
- Chamomile tea baths and chamomile tea washers/flannels can be cooled and placed/held over the injection site
Important Tips
- Optimally, a child should be 100% well for at least 4 weeks prior to vaccination and not around people who have been unwell for the same amount of time.
- to consider Fridays for the vaccination day to minimise exposure to infections from daycare or school immediately after.
- Breastfeeding (if possible) can help calm the baby and reduce the stress and pain experienced during injections. Therapeutic nutrients may also pass through the breastmilk and augment the direct support given to the child.
Diet & lifestyle:
- Keep the diet gluten free and dairy free and continue to provide foods high in antioxidants. Continue to eliminate any refined sugar or processed foods which can contribute to inflammation and nutrient imbalances in the body. Choose organic foods as much as possible.
- Simplify all skin care – Buttermere Baby range offers a great Calendula balm for eczema and wound repair
- Oatmeal baths can be very soothing for eczema patients
- Keep using the Calendula balm to prevent cracking, bleeding and infection.
- Avoid overly warm baths/showers and only bathe for a short time.
- Choose natural clothes washing detergents suitable for sensitive skin with no perfumes added.
- The baby was well for 4 weeks and able to receive the vaccination. He did not develop a fever following the injection and the injection site was only slightly red and raised for ½ day. The mum loved the Calandula Balm from Buttermere Baby range.
12 weeks later
- The patient’s eczema was almost fully resolved and now he presented with small dry patches on his cheeks.
Christine Gozlan
B.H.Sc. Naturopathy
Dip. Herbal Medicine
Dip. Nutrition