Key insights into the ‘master’ antioxidant: Glutathione (or GSH in its reduced form) is a tri-peptide (cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid) found in most cells. GSH has many roles, including: Recycles other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E A prime intracellular position to neutralise free radicals, which can build up in cells and cause damage Support…
Category: Children
Naturopathic Case Study: 10 months old baby with eczema

To date the baby has been vaccinated according to the schedule of the Australian Immunization Program and has not experienced any adverse effects from past immunizations. The 12-month vaccine is scheduled in 2 months In the last month, the baby has developed eczema in the flexures of both elbows, behind the knees, on the cheeks…
How Old is Your Skin? skin cells will regenerate about every 30 days

The rapid turnover of the epidermis or surface layer, occurs because the skin is the body’s outer protection and is exposed to injury as well as pollution. despite this constant renewal, we still get wrinkles as we get older. That’s because the skin loses collagen. The skin cell turnover varies individually and age plays a…
How old are your Taste Buds: 10 days to 14 days

The tongue is covered with about 9000 taste buds that help us to detect flavors, explains Professor Damien Walmsley, scientific adviser to the British Dental Association. The taste buds themselves are a collection of cells on the surface of the tongue, each housing about 50 to 100 taste cells. The buds renew themselves every 10…

Here is a very interesting article written by the Herbal Extract Company. These herbs are dispensed only by qualified health practitioner and I do stock them. The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It acts as the body’s ‘sewerage system’ to eliminate waste and toxins from cells and control the flow…

The Herbal Extract company has written this excellent article. These herbs are dispensed only by qualified health practitioner and I do stock them. A healthy immune system is critical for general physical health and may contribute to mental health as well. Immune modulating herbs are herbs that broadly support the immune system. They can help…

HOW OLD ARE YOUR LUNGS? Lung age: 2 to 3 weeks and Alveoli or air sacs: 1 year All the cells in the lungs are constantly renewing themselves. However, the lungs contain different cells that renew themselves at different rates. The alveoli or air sac cells, deep in the lungs, which are needed for the…
How Old Are Your Red Blood Cells?

Red Blood Cells Age: 4 Months Red blood cells are the body’s vital transport system, carrying oxygen to every tissue and carrying waste away, They wear out every four months, after which the liver removes any remaining in iron that is needed for healthy red blood cells, and then the remaining cell is destroyed in…
5 Top Foods For Your Immune System
Top 5 Foods For Winter Immunity: The mercury is dropping rapidly and we are yet again bracing for the winter weather. Along with the chilly weather comes the increased risk of colds and flu, however we can do a lot to reduce our risk of infection with diet and lifestyle. During winter there are some…

THE LIVER AND ITS 12 BEST HERBS AN OVERVIEW The Liver is one of the most important organs in the human body critical to all facets of health and wellbeing. Remarkably, the tireless work and non-stop efforts of the liver works to filter 1.3-1.5 litres of blood every single minute. Just let that sink…
How to control blood sugar levels?

Baobab as a Glycaemic Response Moderator Baobab is the African Superfruit that comes naturally as a dry powder, tastes fantastic, has an extraordinary backstory of positive social and environmental benefits in Africa, and a legendary reputation for its immune-boosting properties. But there’s much more to Baobab than just this. It also has a range of…
A Good Start in Life

NATUROPATHIC CASE STUDY: A GOOD START IN LIFE Providing a solid nutritional start in life provides the foundation for good health and growth in children. Good nutrition during infancy and early childhood will have lasting effects on enhancing health and development throughout childhood, adolescence and well into adult life. Good nutrition helps build a healthy…
Naturopathic case study: ADHD

L., a little girl, 6 years old has been diagnosed with ADHHD, sensory processing disorder and concentration issues. The food intolerance test is showing high reactivity to eggs, dairy and gluten. Her sleep is very poor and broken with nightmares. She is under the care of a child psychologist. The doctor was ready to…
A Sick Child
Naturopathic Case Study: A Sick Child B. a 3 y.o. little boy with a history of frequent, severe chest infections, and associated diarrhoea and vomiting. He had to be admitted to hospital numerous times and had been taking antibiotics for a few months. B also has chronic allergies, suffering from constant sinus congestion, runny nose,…